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How our Subscription Works

Select your coffee

Choose among our best selling products

Complete Flexibility

Edit, pause or cancel anytime. Pre-shipment emails for ease

Unlock Rewards

We'll reward you with our special offers and exciting gifts

Subscriber’s Favourites

Reasons to subscribe

Never Miss Your Morning Brew

Deliveries right to your doorstep

Save on Shipping

Save up to £150 annually

Unlock Ongoing Discounts

Enjoy exclusive savings with 15% off

Be the First to Know

Get early access to new products

Subscription FAQs

How does the subscription service work

Our subscription service allows you to receive your favorite ShroomCo coffee products on a regular basis without the hassle of reordering. Simply select your preferred products, choose your delivery frequency, and we'll take care of the rest. You'll receive your coffee right to your doorstep as scheduled

Can I customize my subscription

Absolutely! We offer flexibility to customize your subscription based on your preferences. You can easily adjust your delivery frequency, change your product selection, or update your delivery address anytime through your account portal.

Is there a minimum commitment for subscriptions

No, there's no minimum commitment required. You have the flexibility to pause, skip, or cancel your subscription at any time, hassle-free. We want to make sure our subscription service works for you, so you're in control of your coffee experience.

How do I manage my subscription

Managing your subscription is easy. Simply log in to your account on our website and navigate to the "Subscription" section. From there, you can make changes to your delivery frequency, update your product selection, adjust your payment information, or cancel your subscription if needed.

When will I be billed for my subscription

You'll be billed for your subscription order on the same day each month, based on your chosen delivery frequency. For example, if you selected a monthly subscription, you'll be billed on the same date each month. You'll receive an email notification before each billing cycle to remind you of your upcoming charge.

What if I want to cancel my subscription

While we'd hate to see you go, you can cancel your subscription at any time with no questions asked. Simply log in to your account, navigate to the "Subscription" section, and select the option to cancel. Your cancellation will take effect immediately, and you won't be billed for any future subscription orders.